Red Steel Shrimp

The Red Steel shrimp stands out with its fiery red head and distinctive appearance. Originating from careful breeding efforts, it belongs to the Caridina logemanni species. Known for its peaceful nature, it thrives in densely planted aquariums and is ideal for breeding.



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Red Steel Shrimp

The Red Steel shrimp is renowned for its fiery red head, distinct from its abdomen. Females typically grow slightly larger and stronger than males, who maintain a slimmer profile. This striking shrimp, a result of intensive breeding efforts, belongs to the Caridina logemanni species.

Originating from crosses between Tangerine Tiger shrimp and various Shadow color morphs, notably Taiwanese varieties, the Red Steel shrimp boasts an impressive coloration. While young specimens may initially exhibit a subdued hue, their color intensifies with age and each molt.

Creating a densely planted aquarium is ideal for Red Steel shrimp, especially juveniles, who seek refuge to molt and grow. Adding brown fall foliage and providing specialized baby feed can enhance juvenile survival rates. Their diet should primarily consist of vegetable matter, supplemented with protein-rich food twice a week.

Under favorable conditions, Red Steel shrimp readily breed, with females releasing 20-40 young after a gestation period of up to 4 weeks. These offspring initially remain near their hatching site before becoming more mobile. Known for their peaceful nature, Red Steel shrimp can coexist with other Caridina species if water parameters are similar.

While suitable tank mates include other Caridina shrimp, maintaining a species tank preserves the vibrant coloration and reduces stress. Incompatible companions include crabs, predatory snails, crayfish, mussels, and lively predatory fish.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 5.5 to 6.5
  • Gh: 3 to 6
  • Kh: 0 to 1
  • TDS: 250 to 350
  • Temp: 20 to 24 °C

Red Steel Shrimp

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