About & Contact

How it all started: The story behind Shrimpyshop...

And feel free to reach out


About Us

Back in 2016, our shrimp adventure kicked off in Rotterdam, Netherlands. What started as a hobby soon turned into a full-blown obsession as we got hooked on the amazing variety of shrimp colors and types. From just one aquarium, we quickly expanded to two, then three, and kept growing from there. Now, we’ve got a whole bunch of shrimp species waiting for you on our website.

Over the years, we’ve become shrimp breeding experts, pouring love and care into every little crustacean. Our tanks are pristine, and we keep a close eye on everything to make sure our shrimpy friends are happy and healthy.

At Shrimpyshop, it’s not just about the shrimp – although we’ve got plenty of Cardina and Neo-Cardina varieties. We’ve also handpicked top-notch food and gear to keep your own aquarium thriving.

So come on in and take a look around! Let our passion add some color and life to your underwater world. Welcome to Shrimpyshop!

Get In Touch

Got questions? Need advice? Or just want to chat about our products? We’re all ears!

Whether you’re wondering about shrimp care, aquarium setups, or which food is best for your little swimmers, our team is here to help.

Don’t be shy – drop us a line anytime!

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