Black Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp

This strain has the Snowflake gene. They are optimal for experienced breeders who want to conduct selective breeding.



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Black Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp

This strain carries the Snowflake gene, making it an ideal choice for experienced breeders seeking to engage in selective breeding practices. Belonging to the Caridina Shrimp family, the Black Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp thrives in soft, acidic water conditions.

To provide optimal care, it’s recommended to maintain their habitat with remineralized RO water and aqua soil substrate. Additionally, incorporating sponge filters, driftwood, almond leaves, and high-quality food aids in their care and enhances their vibrant colors.

For those looking to establish a thriving colony, we suggest a minimum starting quantity of 10 individuals. To further enhance breeding conditions and ensure the success of your colony, consider complementing your setup with our UGF-Box (Under Gravel Filter). This innovative filtration system promotes natural water filtration and bacterial growth, crucial for maintaining optimal water quality and supporting the health and reproductive success of your Black Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp.

With years of dedicated selective breeding and advanced breeding techniques, we’ve achieved remarkable stability in both coloration and appearance within this species.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 5.8 to 7.2, optimal 6.5-6.8
  • Gh: 3 to 6
  • Kh: 0 to 1
  • TDS: 80 to 180
  • Temp: 18 – 27 °C

Black Galaxy Fishbone Shrimp

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