Blue Dream Shrimp

Blue Dream Shrimp boast stunning blue hues, but their genetic background can be complex. Our Blue Dream variants exhibit vibrant blue coloring, sometimes with hints of black or the rili pattern. They showcase their best colors against a dark substrate, as they naturally darken to blend into their environment. These shrimp are relatively easy to care for, thriving in various water parameters.



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Blue Dream Shrimp

Blue Dream Shrimp, known for their striking blue coloration, are a popular choice among shrimp enthusiasts. Despite their mesmerizing appearance, the genetics behind their coloration can be quite intricate. Blue Dream is a term commonly used to describe shrimp with deep blue hues, but they can originate from various genetic lines and backgrounds.

Our Blue Dream shrimp exhibit a captivating blue color, often with subtle variations such as hints of black or the distinctive rili pattern. To bring out their best colors, it’s recommended to house them on a dark substrate. This is because shrimp tend to adjust their coloration to blend into their surroundings, appearing darker on darker substrates to achieve natural camouflage.

When it comes to care, Blue Dream shrimp are relatively low-maintenance and adaptable to a range of water parameters. However, maintaining stable water conditions is essential for their overall health and well-being. Providing them with a well-established aquarium environment with ample hiding places and suitable water parameters is key to their thriving.

Overall, Blue Dream shrimp are a captivating addition to any aquarium, adding a splash of vibrant color and intrigue to the aquatic landscape.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 7.0 to 7.6
  • Gh: 7 to 15
  • Kh: 2 to 8
  • TDS: 180 to 400
  • Temp: 20 to 24 °C

Blue Dream Shrimp

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