Red Scorpion Shrimp

Discover the ease of breeding with Red Scorpion shrimp. These calm and adaptable shrimp release fully developed young after a short gestation period. Ideal for cohabiting with small fish in aquariums. Start your breeding journey today!



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Red Scorpion Shrimp

Red Scorpion shrimp, known for their specialized reproductive type, simplify breeding in aquariums. After a brief 3-4 week gestation period, females release approximately 30 fully developed young shrimp.

These shrimp have the potential to mate with various other species within the Caridina genus, including Crystal Red Shrimp, Crystal Black Shrimp, Taiwan Bee Red Panda Shrimp, Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp and the Blue Bolt Shrimp.

However, it’s essential to note that hybridization between different Caridina species can produce unpredictable results and may not always result in viable offspring. Additionally, maintaining purebred lines of Caridina species is crucial for preserving their genetic integrity and distinct characteristics.

While Red Scorpion shrimp exhibit remarkable calmness, they coexist well with small fish species in aquariums, though this may lead to losses among offspring. It’s advisable to select small fish species that primarily inhabit the water surface for optimal compatibility.

Tank Parameters

  • Ph: 6.2 to 6.7
  • Gh: 3 to 10
  • Kh: 0 to 3
  • TDS: 200 to 300
  • Temp: 20 to 25 °C

Red Scorpion Shrimp

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